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Bash Argsparse 1.6.1 released

icon 2014-10-09 - No comments

I've just released the 1.6.1 version of the bash argsparse shell library. There's not much to say about it, there is no API change. It only brings a some fixes for minor issues :

  • The library can be re-sourced without error. Actully it will not get re-loaded, but at least it will not trigger errors.
  • Another issue has been fixed by dear fellow Florent Usseil making argsparse more compliant with the nounset bash option.
  • The spec file and the unittest script should now be compliant with the fedora koji build system. If I'm not wrong, the bash-argsparse package should enter the fedora repositories in a few days.

Here are the download links :

Hoping it will be useful to you....

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